223 students qualify for Duke TIP Talent Search Lexington Two students qualify for prestigious program for 4th-6th grade students
Northside makes strong gains on state report cards School shows improvement in Overall, Academic Achievement and Student Progress ratings
A holiday message from Superintendent Dr. William B. James Jr. We have much to be grateful for in Lexington Two
Lexington Two one of 10 SC districts selected for eLearning program First eLearning makeup day will be this fall for the day missed Sept. 5 for inclement weather
Around the district: November's highlights New partnerships, letters to scientists, athletic and club honors, and more in our monthly Honors & Accomplishments newsletter
Our current Teachers of the Year, Support Staff of the Year The Lexington Two District Teacher of the Year will be selected from among school-level winners and will go on to compete for SC Teacher of the Year
2019-20 academic calendar released First day of classes is August 19, 2019; final day is June 3, 2020