About Us » School Improvement Council

School Improvement Council

Northside Middle School is accepting nominations for parents/guardians to serve on the School Improvement Council (SIC) for the 2024-2025 school year. We encourage parents to consider this opportunity for service to the school.

The NMS SIC is an advisory council to the principal focused on school improvement issues. It comprises representatives of parents, teachers, and community members. The principal serves as an ex-officio member.

The SIC meets monthly during the school year. NMS parent representatives are nominated and elected by their fellow NMS parents. Any parent/guardian of at least one child enrolled in NMS is eligible to place his/her name or the name of another parent in nomination. Parent representatives are elected to a term of two years. If a parent has a child enrolled in the 8th grade at NMS for the current school year and will not have any child enrolled the following year, that parent is elected to a term of one year only. 


For more information on SIC, please contact Dr. Tiffany Hall ([email protected]).


Meeting Schedule
Meetings are in the Media Center on the third Monday of every month. 
SIC Membership
Jennifer Bazer
Tina Bullis
Sondra Tanner
Kent Parsons
Tiffany Peake
Laurann Patel
Dr. Tiffany Hall
Bryson Summers

Meeting Dates with Linked Agenda/Minutes

***All meetings are conducted at 5:00***


Monday, October 28

Monday, November 18

Monday, December 16

Monday, January 22

Monday, February 26

Monday, March 18 (retreat)

Monday, April 22