Students may enter the building starting at 7:30 am. Students should report directly to the Gym until 7:45 am. At 7:45 am, students will have a choice of remaining in the Gym, going to breakfast in the Cafeteria or going to the Library.
Early dismissals must be requested in writing. Students should bring these requests to the Main Office during homeroom to receive a dismissal slip. To avoid unnecessary interruptions to classroom instruction, we do not call classrooms or make announcements for early dismissals. The request must include the time, date, person picking the student up and a parent/guardian signature. The person picking up the student must have identification to sign out the student. Requests may also be sent by the parent/guardian via the email listed in PowerSchool to Ms. Kathleen Felder ([email protected]). No early dismissals after 2:45 pm due to safety with buses arriving at the front of the school.
We dismiss school at 3:30 pm. Car riders must be picked up by 3:50 pm. Any students who are not picked up by this time will be taken to the Be Great Academy After School Program. (Note: each student is eligible for two free visits per school year to the Be Great Academy. After that, parents/guardians may be charged a fee or required to enroll students in the program in order to use the service.)
The Northside Main Office is open from 7:45 am to 4:00 pm daily.
Please refer to the student handbook for further information on school policies including attendance, dress code, cell phones and discipline.
Students may not receive deliveries at school. This includes (but is not limited to) services such as UberEats, DoorDash, GrubHub, flower delivery, Amazon packages, and other delivery items.
All visitors must sign in at the Main Office. Because of the potential disruption to the learning environment and privacy of students, we do not allow parent visits to individual classrooms. As a general rule, we ask that parents limit lunch visits for the same reason we do not allow visits to individual classrooms. Lunch visits must be approved and scheduled at least 24 hours in advance through a school administrator.