Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
We will nurture and develop successful lifelong learners.
We envision a school where...
The environment is a safe, secure, and inviting place which promotes student learning; curriculum and instruction meet the needs of all students; students are prepared for college and career opportunities and experiences; respect, responsibility, and cooperation are shared among all stake holders in our learning community.
We Believe That:
- All students will learn and have talents and abilities worth developing.
- Technological innovations are an integral part
- of the learning process.
- A quality staff is a key ingredient for effective schools.
- All students will be critical thinkers and problem-solvers.
- All individuals have the right to learn in a safe and secure environment.
- The development of students academically, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally is a collaborative effort of parents, schools, businesses, and community.
- Well-educated citizens are the hope for the future of America.