Dr. Chris Stegall » About me

About me

Hi! I'm glad you found my page! I am in my 18th year of teaching chorus at Northside Middle School, and through the years I have had the opportunity to teach some of the best students I have ever encountered. An added benefit has been to teach younger siblings and relatives of my past students. My roots in Lexington 2 go back further than I realized when I started teaching at Northside. During my first year at NMS I began to meet some grandparents (and probably great-grandparents by now) who were former students of my Uncle Carl Stegall who coached basketball at Brookland Cayce High School sometime around the 1950s and early 60s. I love making these connections, because I love people.
I had a career as a full-time minister of music for 15 years before moving to Columbia, pursuing a doctorate in conducting at USC, and teaching at NMS. I am from Berea (Greenville) and went to Furman University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the University of South Carolina. Singing has been a life-long source of joy and meaning for me - from kindergarten choir at Berea First Baptist Church to multiple university ensembles and community choir experiences. One of my most meaningful life/choral experiences was being a Lake Junaluska Singer which allowed me to sing, travel, and perform with a group of 16 auditioned singers from all over the United States.
Music has allowed me to go places and meet people that I would never have otherwise had the opportunity to encounter. One reason that I find purpose in being able to work with my students at NMS is the possibility that they might grow to love, experience, and have their lives enriched by music as I have.
My wife, Carla (McKenzie), grew up in Columbia and we have three wonderful grown children. We have a USC graduate and a Clemson graduate - so I have to say I really do love both USC and Clemson!
I try very hard to make my classroom a safe and fun place for my students to learn about singing and all aspects of music and life. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!