Hannah Ker » Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies!

Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies!

     Welcome to AVID! My name is Hannah Ker. I have been teaching for nine years and this is my eighth at Northside! I am a graduate of USC-Upstate with a B.A in Middle Level Education with a focus in Social Studies and English. I also have my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instructional Coaching from Clemson. I am Gifted and Talented Certified, as well as AVID Elective trained. I am currently adding Micro Credentials in Instructional Coaching as well.  In addition to being a teacher at Northside, I was a student here and a graduate from Brookland Cayce High School.
      Outside of school I enjoy local events, baking, cooking, being with friends and family. I am a proud aunt of two boys! I also love to travel and I have traveled to ten countries and counting. I hope to use these experiences in my classroom. I love dogs! On the weekends you can find me going to the movies, shopping, being outside, and reading. 
    I  have loved teaching at Northside! I am looking forward to this new step in my teaching career. I know AVID will be a wonderful addition to Northside. I am looking forward to the opportunity. I'm dedicated to all my students and their families. If you ever have any questions or concerns please let me know how I can help. 

Hannah Ker
"We are not makers of history. We are made by history." -Martin Luther King Jr.
* If you want an invite to the Google class please email me and I will add you to your students class.*